For many, making coffee in the morning is as much a part of your day as breathing and sleeping. The BrewStation® is one of Hamilton Beach’s most innovative coffee makers, most notable for featuring an internal reservoir which holds the brewed coffee instead of a traditional glass carafe. Why is it designed this way? Who was this machine made for? Could the BrewStation® be The One for you? Read on to find out.
You Are an Avid Coffee Drinker
For some coffee drinkers, one cup won’t cut it. The BrewStation® coffee maker foregoes the traditional glass carafe in favor of an internal reservoir. The gentle heater keeps coffee at the perfect temperature for up to four hours and eliminates the taste of burnt coffee, typical of glass carafes when left on the burner for long periods of time. This means avid coffee drinkers can come back again and again throughout the morning for coffee that tastes as fresh as when it was first brewed.
You Want to Upgrade the Office Coffee Pot
If you’re not the one brewing the coffee in the morning, there’s no telling how long it’s been sitting out. This is where the internal tank really comes in handy; coffee won’t get stale as quickly as it would in a glass carafe. And since the BrewStation® works just like an automatic drip coffee maker – simply add water, a standard filter, and ground coffee – switching over to the new model will be seamless for everyone in the office. Plus, a window makes it easy to see how much coffee is left in the tank. So that means your coworkers will have no excuses to not brew a fresh batch after taking the last cup.
You’re a Busy Parent
Parents of small children know how hectic mornings can be. The BrewStation® is programmable 24 hours in advance, so you can set it the night before and wake up to hot, fresh coffee. It also features one-handed dispensing, perfect for those days you feel you don’t have enough hands to get everything done. Hold the laundry basket in one arm and still have a free hand to press the dispensing bar with your cup or travel mug and safely fill the cup. This coffee is ready when you are.
You Are an Iced Coffee DrinkerIced coffee lovers will rejoice at how simple it is to brew a cup in the BrewStation®. Just add twice the amount of ground coffee you’d use for a hot batch and fill the BrewStation with ice and water – check your Use & Care guide for exact proportions based on your model. When the coffee is brewed, dispense the coffee into a glass full of ice and enjoy.
Want to take your iced coffee to the next level? Check out our recipe for Mocha Cinnamon Iced Coffee.
You Don’t Like a Mess
Before you’ve had your morning caffeine fix, accidents may be more likely to happen. With the BrewStation coffee maker, there is no carafe to break or spill. And the machine itself was designed to be easy to clean; both the internal tank and brew basket can be detached for washing. Plus, some models will alert you to clean the unit every 30 cycles or when a built-in sensor detects residue by flashing CLEAN or + on the display.